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What is a campaign strategy?

A campaign stagey is a set of tangible goals, checkpoints, and goals in order to increase the amount of traffic generated to your site. With our campaign, our team will guide you along the way from start to finish to ensure that your marketing campaigns are as efficient and effective as possible. A good campaign strategy can be the difference between just one or over one hundred sales. A campaign strategy starts first with your end goal, from there we take your end goal, reverse engineer the steps to get to where you want, then finally lay it all out in a step-by-step plan that is easily understandable and executable. Miceli Media prides itself in providing transparency with all of our services, campaign strategy is no different. We aim to keep you (the client) as involved as possible with campaign strategies as we want to ensure you are backing all of the ideas and decisions made here by our team of experts in our Chicago office. Our team of experts will take your vision and goals and turn them into an actionable plan, all you need to do is take action today and fill out our campaign strategy consultation form!  

What Makes Your Campaign MANAGEMENT Different?

Here at our Chicago office, Miceli Media has a team of experts from various fields and backgrounds to ensure we provide the best quality services in every sector of digital marketing. What makes our campaign strategies different from our competitors is that we dissect every inch of the strategy from start to finish, apply real data to back decisions, and ensure that we are fully transparent in how our campaign will help you get from our starting point to your end goal. When basing our decisions on data we look at a multitude of different aspects of your audience using real data every step of the way. A core value of Miceli Media is transparency which is why we strive to keep you (the client) as involved as possible with each and every service we offer. We want you to feel like you're still in full control while we lay the groundwork for success for you and your business. Many companies will only show you the end product or as few updates as possible, our team provides updates whenever we make the slightest alteration to your campaign strategy. The reason for this is if you are unsatisfied, we can fix the issue with the strategy right away rather than needing to backtrack and redo the proceeding steps in the strategy. Ultimately, how the campaign strategy will turn out and be executed will be completely up to you (the client) as it is our mission to turn your vision and mission into a successful campaign. 

Why marketing campaign matters

Campaign MANAGEMENT Process


All of our digital marketing services start with the analysis stage. During this stage, we will have an in-depth call to go over your company's values, mission, and any other relevant information. Proceeding the consultation our digital marketing team here in Chicago will then conduct an in-depth analysis of your business and any previous campaigns that have been executed. This will allow us to gain more insight into your company's values, mission, and where you have been able to see success previously. The analysis is one of the most important if not the most important step in our campaign strategy service. The analysis allows us to understand where issues are coming from along with coming to a real viable solution that we know will work since everything we do is backed by real data. 


The creation step is where you get to sit back, relax, and let our team of experts here in Chicago work our magic and come up with the perfect campaign strategy for you and your business. We will create a step-by-step plan of action for you from start to finish of your marketing campaign. The campaign will include a great variety of flexibility along with precision. As we move through the creation process of your marketing campaign strategy, we will send you multiple updates and documents that need approval in order to move forward with the next steps. Our job as a digital marketing agency is to provide the best. marketing services to you which is why we request so many approvals from you prior to moving forward. We want to make sure that you are satisfied and understand everything every step of the way. 

campaign creation

At this point in the process of campaign strategy, this is where everything begins to come full circle. The analysis has been done and an in-depth step-by-step campaign strategy has been created, now you just need to set it in motion. Execution of the campaign strategy is not included in our base package but if you do choose one of the other packages, our team of experts in Chicago will go ahead and execute the strategy exactly as it is written out from the creation step of this process. During the execution stage, one of our team members might notice or want to make an alteration to something to increase effectiveness but we will never make a change prior to approval from you as this is your marketing campaign, not ours, we are just here to turn your vision into an actionable campaign. 


campaign strategy process

Campaign MANAGEMENT Pricing Plans

Choosing the right campaign strategy is the first step in elevating your business far beyond the competition.

Prices on our website are estimates, every package is fully customizable. Exact prices will be determined during consultation. 


In-Depth Analysis 
Target Audience Identification 
1 Campaign 
Step-By-Step Plan 
A/B Testing
Content Calendar 
3 Revisions



In-Depth Analysis 
Target Audience Identification
Target Audience Analysis 
2 Campaigns 
Step-By-Step Plan
A/B Testing  
Content Calendar 



In-Depth Analysis 
Target Audience Identification 
Target Audience Analysis 
3-5 Campaigns 
Step-By-Step Plan 
A/B Testing

Campaign Execution

Campaign Strategy Pricing Plans

Campaign Strategy FAQ

What is the onboarding process like with your campaign strategy service? 

The onboarding process is the same for all of our services, once you have selected a digital marketing service from our website that you would like to implement into your personal marketing campaign, please fill out our consultation form and a representative from Miceli Media will be in touch to book your initial consultation. During the consultation, we will gather as much information as possible to devise the best plan possible for your wants and needs while staying within your budget. 

What will the campaign strategy process look like? 

Here at Miceli Media, we are fully transparent with our entire process for all of our services. Have any questions about anything at all? Ask and we will provide you with everything that we can. The process of our campaign strategies seems simple but is actually quite complex. When choosing our campaign strategy service, we will start in our analysis and information gathering phase. Once we have analyzed enough of your business, content and collected all necessary information, we will proceed with the next step which is creating a detailed step-by-step marketing campaign strategy for your business. We look at all aspects of your marketing to identify the right windows of opportunity. Once the strategy and content layout has been finished, you will receive the marketing campaign strategy for approval. If you would like any changes or team will go back and revise the plan until you are completely satisfied. (Depending on which campaign strategy you purchase might affect the number of revisions allowed). Once the strategy is approved, we will finalize and send you the finished reports and strategies. 

What is my involvement (the client) in the campaign strategy process? 

As the client, your satisfaction is our top priority which is why we strive to keep you as involved as possible in all of our digital marketing processes. As our team here at Miceli Media moves through the steps of your process, you will receive multiple updates and campaign strategies/ideas that need your approval prior to us moving forward with the plan. We want the clients to be involved, as this is your business, not ours. In the case that the client does not wish to be extremely involved, we can still proceed with the processes, we would only need the approval of certain aspects of our process prior to moving forward. The involvement is always up to the client but we truly want you as involved with us as possible. 

How will I benefit from receiving a campaign strategy? 

Having the right business strategy is absolutely essential for sustainability and scalability, with the right strategy you will see your numbers blast through the roof of the charts like you have never seen before. Many businesses think that there is a fundamental issue with the business itself but in reality, the plan has been the issue all along. The right strategy can set you up to succeed for years down the line all while leaving your top competitors in the dust. 

What Types of businesses do you develop campaign strategies for?

Here at Miceli Media, we work with businesses of all sizes and all niches. We pride ourselves on not only being Chicago's best digital marketing agency but also the most versatile marketing agency as well. Our team of experts has knowledge in copious amounts of industries, but if we don't have any experience in the industry you're in, we will ensure to contract someone that does to ensure the quality and satisfaction of each and every one of our clients. 

How long does it take to develop my campaign strategy?

This is completely up to you and your budget, the more you allocate towards your marketing campaign strategy, the more efficiently and effectively our team is able to be. There are many variables that play a factor in the timeline it takes to complete your campaign strategy but the most important will be what the exact issue you are experiencing is and how hard it is to come up with a step-by-step strategy to get you to your end goal while sending sales and traffic through the roof. No marketing strategies will take more than the length of our service to complete. To discuss further for a custom package please fill out our consultation form and a representative will be in touch. 


All of our packages here at Miceli Media are charged on a monthly basis, once your plan starts it will be valid for exactly one month. There are no contracts, we don't believe in locking in our clients to long-term deals. We believe the quality of our services will keep our clients coming back for more and more. 

Campaign Strategy FAQ

Schedule Your Campaign Strategy Consultation

Please describe what you are looking for in a campaign strategy service. A representative will reach out to you shortly after completion.

Thanks for submitting! We’ll send you a price quote soon.

Campaign Strategy Consultation
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