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Chicago's Best Digital Marketing Agency

Account Management

Let us elevate your business through innovative content strategies and account management. 

Content Management 

We understand that life gets busy, especially as a business owner your time is your most valuable asset. Let us take the stress of managing your business accounts off your hands. We manage all types of social accounts. The amount of content and time dedicated to each account will depend on the package you choose. 


Content and account management is essential to any and all businesses, you can create more avenues for more opportunities than ever thought possible. Many business owners think that simply posting consistent content will be enough to create a funnel but it goes so much deeper than that. Book a consultation today and see how Miceli Media can help elevate your business. 

Social Media Importance 

As of 2022, 4.65 billion people are on social media. 4.65 billion people are more than 50% of the total global population. With everyone being constantly connected and plugged in, not only does this open a new funnel for sales, but it also means that you must have a strategic approach to your social media accounts. The things you post and saw all will leave forever lasting digital footprints and impressions on a multitude of people. Without having a strategic social media plan you will waste more time and effort than ever before.


Many business owners post tons of content, and after time become extremely frustrated due to the lack of engagement and minimal growth. These issues might not even be because of the actual content, but instead the way the content is presented and transmitted to the audience. Let our team of experts create a personalized in-depth plan for your account management, from there we will execute the plan as outlined in the detailed report you would receive when purchasing this service from Miceli Media. 

Account & Content Management Process


Our team will conduct an in-depth analysis of accounts in their current state. We also will gather as much information as possible during our consultation in order to create the best possible strategy for your wants and needs. The analysis is crucial in account and content management as this allows us to understand your vision and help us execute that vision to the best of our abilities. Once we believe we have collected enough information, we will proceed with creating a personalized strategy. 


Once our team has conducted an in-depth analysis and gathered all information needed, we will then begin to curate an in-depth plan for your accounts and content. Once the strategy has been created you will receive a copy to review and approve prior to us moving forward. This provides us with a better understanding of what you want out of an account management service and for us, this is one way we strive to provide transparency. Once the strategy is approved, we will move forward to the next steps. 


After the strategy has been created and approved, all that's left is the execution. The strategy and plan that you will receive, will include a detailed explanation of everything that will be happening and posted throughout the duration of our account and content management service. We will never execute something that had not been previously approved by you. We are here to turn your vision into reality while allowing you to focus your time on things that need your full attention as a business owner. 

Account & Content Management Process


Personalized Proposal
1 Account  

7 Weekly Posts 
Community Management 
Analysis of 2 competitors
Content Calendar
Monthly Report 

Account and content management pricing plans

If you would like to purchase one of our account and content management services, please fill out the consultation form and a representative will be in touch shortly to book your digital marketing consultation. 

All prices on our website are estimates, every package is fully customizable depending on your needs. Final prices will be negotiated during consultation. 


The price of this package varies depending on the number of accounts, posts, and amount of competitors analyzed throughout the duration of this service.  

Personalized Proposal
Unlimited Accounts 

Unlimited Weekly Posts  
 Unlimited Competitor Analysis
Community Management 
Content Calendar 
Monthly Report

Account Management Pricing Plans

Increase your brand awareness 

Our account management services allow businesses like you to increase their brand awareness more than ever before. Brand awareness is a critical step in onboarding new customers and even when considering retaining long-term ones. With more than 50% of the world's population on social media, your brand awareness matters. Do you ever wonder why major corporations spend millions of dollars on their social media campaigns? That is because it is one of the biggest ways to connect directly with your audience no matter where you are or when it is. When you have a massive audience, you own that traffic. Having an audience on social media and owning that traffic means you don't have to use more money for your marketing efforts, you simply just need to make a post. People are so consumed with getting more sales that they forget how vital brand awareness is to their business which is why we are here to help. Our team of experts here in Chicago will develop a personalized, detailed plan to ensure yours reaches points higher than ever before. We will always provide documentation for approval to ensure you are satisfied with our services.

It's no secret that social media has taken over the world. In fact, almost everyone you know probably has some sort of social media account. While some people use social media to keep in touch with friends and family, others use it as a way to connect with new people. No matter how you use social media, there's no denying it.

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. It's a great way to stay connected with friends and family, share important news and experiences, and make new friends. But social media can also be a powerful tool for businesses. It can help you connect with potential and current customers, build relationships, and boost sales. Businesses of all sizes use social media to communicate with their customers and build an audience like never before. 

5 reasons your business should use social media 

1. Improved customer service


Social media provides businesses with an opportunity to improve their customer service. Many customers now expect to be able to reach out to companies through social media platforms, and by having a strong presence on these platforms, businesses can quickly and easily respond to customer inquiries and complaints. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and can also help to resolve any issues before they escalate.


2. Increased website traffic and sales

A major benefit of social media for businesses is the ability to drive traffic to their website and increase sales. By sharing links to their website and promoting special offers and discounts on social media, businesses can attract a larger audience and encourage more people to make purchases. Additionally, social media platforms often have built-in analytics tools that allow businesses to track the success of their campaigns and see how they are driving traffic and sales.


3. Targeted advertising opportunities

An advantage of social media for businesses is the ability to target specific groups of customers through advertising. Most social media platforms offer a range of targeting options, such as location, age, and interests, which allows businesses to reach their desired audience more effectively. This can be particularly useful for businesses that are looking to promote their products or services to specific demographics or geographic areas.


4. Increased brand credibility and trust

Social media can also help businesses to establish credibility and trust with their customers. By consistently posting relevant and valuable content, businesses can demonstrate their expertise and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. This can help to build trust and credibility with their audience, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and sales.


5. Increased brand awareness and customer engagement

A main benefits of social media for businesses is the ability to increase brand awareness and customer engagement. By consistently posting relevant and valuable content, companies can build a strong presence on social media platforms and attract a larger following. This not only helps to raise brand awareness, but also allows businesses to directly interact with their customers and build a sense of community around their brand.


Account Management FAQ

What is the onboarding process like with account and content management? 

The onboarding process is the same for all of our services, once you have selected a digital marketing service from our website that you would like to implement into your personal marketing campaign, please fill out our consultation form and a representative from Miceli Media will be in touch to book your initial consultation. During the consultation, we will gather as much information as possible to devise the best plan possible for your wants and needs while staying within your budget. 

What will the account and content management process look like? 

Here at Miceli Media, we are fully transparent with our entire process for all of our services. Have any questions about anything at all? Ask and we will provide you with everything that we can. The process for our account and content management seems simple but is actually quite complex. When choosing an account and management process, we will start in our analysis and information gathering phase. Once we have analyzed enough of your content and collected all necessary information, we will proceed with the next step which is creating a detailed step-by-step strategy for your account and content. Once the strategy and content layout has been finished, you will receive the strategy for approval, if you would like any changes or team will go back and revise the plan until you are completely satisfied. Once the strategy is approved, our team will execute the strategy exactly as it was laid out in our plan that you approved. If we need to make any alterations or see a new window of opportunity, we will consult you prior to making any changes. 

What is my involvement (the client) in the account and content management process? 

As the client, your satisfaction is our top priority which is why we strive to keep you as involved as possible in all of our digital marketing processes. As our team here at Miceli Media moves through the steps of your process, you will receive multiple updates and strategies that need your approval prior to us moving forward with the plan. We want the clients to be involved as this is your business, not ours but in the case that the client does not wish to be extremely involved, we can still proceed with the processes, we would only need the approval of certain aspects in our process prior to moving forward. The involvement is always up to the client but we truly want you as involved with us as possible. 

How will I benefit from account and content management? 

Account and content management is more critical than ever due to the fact that over 50% of the global population is on some form of social media. Social media has served as a sales funnel and platform that has allowed them to grow and been more beneficial than almost anything to some businesses. Without properly optimized accounts, you will find it almost impossible to grow and scale your online presence which is why Miceli Media is here to help you devise the perfect strategy for each and every account. Being able to convey the right message to your audience can turn lookie-lookers into consistent buyers and vice versa. The wrong strategy can cause stagnated growth or even in some cases be absolutely detrimental to your business. 

What accounts do you manage?

Here at Miceli Media, we will manage every and any account. We manage everything from Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and everything in-between. We manage business and personal accounts of all sizes and niches, if there is an account you would like managed but are unsure if we work with those types of accounts, please book a consultation form and we will be in touch shortly to schedule your account and content management consultation. 

How many accounts will you manage?

This is completely up to your discretion, Miceli Media will manage one or all of your accounts. Depending on your budget, this might pose limitations to the number of accounts we are able to manage. If you view our account and content management pricing plans you will be able to get a rough idea of what we are able to do depending on your budget. To discuss further for a custom package please fill out our consultation form and a representative will be in touch. 


All of our packages here at Miceli Media are charged on a monthly basis, once your plan starts it will be valid for exactly one month. There are no contracts, we don't believe in locking in our clients to long-term deals. We believe the quality of our services will keep our clients coming back for more and more. 

Account and content management FAQ

Schedule Your ​Account and Content Management Consultation

Please describe what you are looking for in an account & content management service. A representative will reach out to you shortly after completion.

Thanks for submitting! We’ll send you a price quote soon.

Account & Content Management Consultation
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